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Berthier’s Door: Found in Paris

BldgBlog recently posted about a door to nowhere in Paris, installed four years ago in the 3rd arrondisement. Complete with fake address, facade, faux business sign and a Parisian-style door with a central doorknob (now missing), it still exists today.
Paris floods 1910 near Opera

The Flood of 1910 in Paris (La Crue de La Seine de 1910)

Ten minutes outside the Peripherique lies the oft-forgotten industrial underbelly of Paris: the Seine-Amont. The architecture of the region is a juxtaposition of 19th century industrial infrastructure with 20th century modernity, with a sharp contrast between traditional residential homes and public housing projects.

Inside Reid Hall, Columbia University’s Campus in Paris

Occasionally, while walking in Paris one gets a glimpse of the courtyards that lie behind the uniform facades and intimidating doors that define the streets of the city. Reid Hall, located just by the Luxembourg Gardens, is an example of a private courtyard with a mixed industrial and aristocratic history. And, because it's a school - you can visit!

Photos of La Defénse at Night in Paris

Before I went to visit La Defénse, it remained in my mind’s eye as a looming, monumental structure–an abstract, geometric form with no relationship with its external surroundings apart from its linear correlation with the Arc de Triomphe. I was inspired to take a trip there after seeing the photography of Ryan Southen. In a rarely seen perspective, Ryan captures the monumentality of the Grand Arch from below.
Arts & CultureNew York

NYTimes LENS BLOG: A Timely Global Mosaic

The New York Times LENS blog is putting together a global mosaic of photographs all to be taken at approximately 15:00 hours (U.T.C.) on May 2nd. Anybody can submit: amateurs, professionals, taken on your fancy DSLR or your cell phone. That's 11am in New York City. How many will be hungover?
ArchitectureArts & CultureParis

Inside the Musée du Quai Branly in Paris

Tasked to capture a museum for a photography class through the Columbia University architecture program in Paris, I chose the Musée du quai Branly. The museum made a profound impact on me when I first visited in January. Feeling disoriented in the dim cavernous interior of the museum, I did not stay long but the architecture and the feeling of being in the space lingered with me for months.
ArchitectureNew York

103 WASHINGTON ST: Heaven, Hell & Purgatory

Nestled between the new W Hotel and an abandoned lot a few blocks south of the World Trade Center, a Neo-gothic building at 103 Greenwich Street has a history as incongruous as its architecture. Now an Irish pub, the building began as the home of Dutch immigrant Ryneer Suydam and his family in 1799.
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