4. Only 4 big lecture Classrooms are Available at Barnard!

There are only four large lecture classrooms at Barnard: Milbank 405 (Krueger Lecture Hall), LL02 Milstein (Lynn Chu Tiered Classroom), Barnard 304 (Held Lecture Hall), and Altschul 102 (Lehman Auditorium). These classrooms range in room capacity from about 100-250 students.

LLO2 Milstein is the newest of these classrooms, located in the new Milstein Center and seats 100 students. Milbank 405 seats 102 students, Altschul 102 has a room capacity of 227, and the biggest lecture hall is Barnard 304 which seats 247 students. That being said, Barnard offers many smaller classes, such as seminars and recitations that seat about 15 students. The college prizes being able to offer a liberal arts education within New York City.