9. New Utrecht Reformed Church (1828)
New Utrecht Dutch Reformed Church on 1827 84th Street in Brooklyn, built 1828.
The New Utrecht Dutch Reformed Church was built on the site of the old New Utrecht schoolhouse, near the place where the original church (built in 1700) had been. During the Revolutionary War, the 18th century church was used by the British as a hospital, a prison, and then a riding school. The British troops also held target practice in the church’s cemetery, which led to the destruction of many of the tombstones.
The church moved to its current location in 1828. The original church from 1700 was dismantled and builders used the stones to construct the new one. In front of the church, a one-hundred-foot Liberty Pole is planted in the lawn to mark the place of the first American flag in New Utrecht. This is the sixth Liberty Pole that New Utrecht has erected. The original one was placed there in 1738.