6. Some of the most expensive purchases were made by Elizabeth Taylor and John Lennon

the Dakota apartments
The Dakota, where Jack Cohen sold over $400,000 on furs to Yoko Ono.

As the go-to clothing store for the wealthy, many celebrities were sure to stop by and future a few thousand dollars worth of clothing. Actress Elizabeth Taylor once custom-ordered 200 pairs of white mink earmuffs for everyone on her Christmas list. And she needed them in a week before leaving for Gstaad, Switzerland in a week.

Additionally, John Lennon and Yoko Ono spent $400,000 on furs, also leading up to Christmas! In the late 1970s, fur buyer Jack Cohen was called to the Dakota Apartments on Christmas Eve at 4 p.m. by Yoko Ono, and he brought plenty of options that she bought for family and friends. Many other celebrities had slightly less extravagant shopping sprees at Bergdorf Goodman, but celebrities often raved about the deals they would get on exquisite clothing at the store.