6. Woven Chairs

woven subway car chairs
Courtesy of the MTA New York City Transit by Marc Hermann.

Even if you’re lucky enough to squeeze into a seat on the subway, the cold, hard communal benches don’t offer much in the way of comfort. In the early days of the New York City subway system, commuters sat comfortably on spring-cushioned, rattan-covered benches. The woven wicker-like seats added a homey look to vintage subway cars but did have a drawback: when the rattan-covered benches became worn, springs would poke out and get stuck on commuters’ clothing, sometimes even tearing a hole in their garments, New York Transit Museum educator, James Giovan, told amNewYork.

Since some proposed subway cars have no seats at all, we’ll take our chances (for the sake of the vintage aesthetic). In any case, you can still see and experience these seats by hopping in a Holiday Nostalgia Train, which makes an appearance every holiday season or check out the trains on display at the Transit Museum.