10. Tipsy Scoop

Tipsy Scoop ice cream dessert
Photo Courtesy of Tipsy Scoop

Last, but certainly not least, is only for our 21+ readers. Most ice cream outings are a chill way to wrap up a busy and tiring day. But, if you want to add the kick to your kickback, TipsyScoop should be your first stop. Tipsy specializes in something rare: liquor infused Ice cream. Their Manhattan and Brooklyn Locations sell pints, ice cream sandwiches, seasonal sundaes, and ice cream cocktails.

Tipsy Scoop rises above the expectation that because there’s alcohol involved, presentation isn’t a priority. Their glass jars are coated in toppings, their whipped cream is perfectly placed, and their vibrant flavors are accentuated by the flying banner on top of their sundaes that read, “#BoozyIceCream”. The NYC Barlour is the best place for your friend group to take a Friday night photo or film the laughs that the dessert is guaranteed to cause.  

Next, check out NYC’s Oldest Ice Cream Parlor