4. Jimi Hendrix Was Booed Off Stage

Jimi Hendrix on stage at Forest Hills Stadium
Jimi Hendrix in Concert: 1967-227-002-014 Forrest Hills, Queens, New York, USA 1967 Photo by Jerry Schatzberg, Courtesy of Forest Hills Stadium

While most performers receive a warm welcome at Forest Hills Stadium, that wasn’t the case for Jimi Hendrix. The legendary guitar player was the opening act for The Monkees in 1967. The group wanted to change their bubblegum pop image into something a bit more psychedelic. While the band was thrilled to have Hendrix open for them, their female fans were less than enthused. When prompted to sing along to “Foxy Lady,” the impatient crowd instead shouted “Foxy Davy” (referring to The Monkees’ heartthrob singer). Restless fans wanted to see the poppy band that graced their TV screens and quickly grew tired Hendrix’s raucous guitar playing. Fed up with the hostile reception, Hendrix stormed off the stage, flipping off the audience and throwing down his guitar on the way out. He later asked to be released from his contract and the rest of the tour.