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Ebb of Springtide
Arts & Culture

The East River Powers This Sculptural Clock by Mary Mattingly in Queens

What is the tie between community engagement, art, and rising sea levels? Through Mary Mattingly’s new installation, Ebb of a Spring Flow, she shows the importance of supporting a community while taking care of local coastal and riparian ecosystems.
Fort Totten Archway
Secrets of NYC

10 Secrets of Fort Totten Park in Queens

Dotted with historic buildings and abandoned military structures, Fort Totten Park in Queens has many secrets from the first vehicular tunnel to never-completed batteries. 
John W. Rapp House in Queens

6 Lost Mansions of Queens

Revisit the lost mansions of Queens that once stood proudly as part of long forgotten developments and farmland in the borough!
A mish-mash of brick and stucco facade houses in Queens

5 Quirky Queens House Trends

Explore the diverse architecture of Queens through the stunning photography of Queens-based artist Rafael Herrin-Ferri!
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