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central park


Biking Bourke Street, A Slice of Sydney’s Cycle Network

A slice of Sydney’s network of cycleways continues to grow, branching, meandering and extending throughout the city and beyond. When I first arrived in Sydney in October of 2010, construction was underway.

Go West: Exploring One Of Sydney’s Edges

Manhattan has a river that clearly defines its edge. Paris has a highway, the Périphérique, which can be considered the division of city and suburb. Sydney itself is massive; one of the largest cities in its land size with over 300 suburbs.

Convict City: Tracing Sydney’s Penal Past

Fragments of this past scattered throughout the city are reminders of the convict roots of a new nation. Once a continent-sized prison, it's today what many people think of, thanks to its civil liberties and live-and-let-live social attitudes-one of the most free places on earth.
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