
Today is the last day you can enter to win this signed original print by A Few Parisians columnist David Cessac. In the past year, David has taken us to Fédéric Malle’s perfume shop in Saint Germain-des-Près, showed us the love locks on the Pont des Arts, shopped with us at the Marché de Passy and played with us at Buren’s columns at the Palais Royal. Now, David asks, “To be or not to be a Parisian… Is that even a question?”

Watch the making of this drawing and enter to win before the contest is over! Even if you’ve already entered, you can still gain extra points by tweeting about the giveaway, following @untappedcities and @david_cessac, becoming a fan of Untapped Cities and David Cessac on Facebook, and signing up for our mailing list.

a Rafflecopter giveaway