11. Dias Y Flores Community Garden

The plot of land that comprises Dias Y Flores has a rich history: originally, it contained a building that, after being abandoned in the 1970s, became a site of drug trade, prompting the city to board it up and eventually bulldoze it, leaving a rubble-filled lot in its place. In 1978, the 13th Street Block Association stepped in and began the painstaking work of cleaning up the land to eventually construct a garden and playground.

The association partnered with community members and neighborhood clinics to provide services and community events. True to its legacy, the garden’s membership currently consists of over 40 families and is affiliated with local schools and clinics. The garden offers classes in horticulture, Tai Chi, art, and more. It also contains a fish pond, a rainwater collection system, and an impressive solar-powered fountain.

Next, check out the 8 Must See Spots in the East Village and the Top 10 Hidden Gardens in NYC