The new season of Billions currently airing on Showtime will be the last in the series. The show, set in New York City, is a financial criminal drama that centers on U.S. Attorney Chuck Rhoades’ (Paul Giamatti) pursuit of hedge fund manager Bobby Axelrod (Damian Lewis). The cast of characters also includes Michael Prince (Corey Stoll) and Wendy Rhoades (Maggie Siff), among others. Season 7 sees the return of Lewis’ character, who was absent from the previous season. New episodes air on Paramnount+ on Friday evenings and on Showtime on Sundays. Read on to discover the Billions NYC film locations used in the new season!
1. Midtown
Episode 1 starts with an explosive scene inside the office of Michael Prince Capital where we see a violent outburst from Prince himself. A title card then takes us back 5 months earlier and we’re with Wendy Rhoades as she struts through midtown Manhattan. On her walk we see her pass by the newly renovated Textile Building at 295 Fifth Ave on her way to the MPC Capital offices.