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ArchitectureNew York

Del Re’s Knife Grinding Truck

"It's like old New York," says a happy customer waiting for her kitchen knives to be sharpened Saturday morning near Columbia University. The old red truck that serves as Dominic Del Re's mobile store was parked on 111th street, just off Broadway.
ArchitectureNew York

PARK(ing) DAY NYC 2010

PARK(ing) Day, is coming back September 17th! The concept is simple: turn parking space into public space. It's part political, part environmental, part cultural. And for urban planners and architects, creative too.
ArchitectureNew YorkTransit

The Ghost Bikes of NYC

These bikes are real (although upon investigation, many ARE missing). The bikes, painted white and chained to street furniture, serve as a memorial to those that have died in cycling accidents in those locations. In June, the city's Sanitation Department announced a plan to remove bikes deemed "derelict" (with missing parts), and even went as far to call them "eyesores."
Arts & CultureParis

Rue de Rome: A Luthier and Instrument Row in Paris

I recently needed to rent a cello to play with the Brooklyn-based band, Laura Stevenson and the Cans on their European tour. Music stores tend to cluster together in cities. A Googlemap search of "luthier" in Paris shows just how many there are, completely overlapping on the map.
Food & DrinkNew York

The Empire Diner: Post-Closing

Untapped New York took a trip to the Empire Diner, a month after it closed. Brooklyn-based writer Amanda Chatel and our photographer for this post reports that it looked "sad and desolate. The boarded up windows made it feel cold and lonely. The liveliness and energy was gone."
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