6. City Hall Station

City Hall Station

The famously abandoned City Hall Station in Lower Manhattan was once considered the crown jewel of the New York City subway system, and it is easy to see why. Built into the station are thirteen Guastavino arches ornamented with green and cream-colored terra-cotta tiles that contrast the red brick walls and ornate blue skylights. The skylights and arches, while decorative, also served a practical purpose. Since this was the very first subway station, the arches and skylights helped make it feel larger and airier, so hesitant riders would feel comfortable traveling underground.

The 400-foot-long station was designed by the famous architect duo Heins and LaFarge. All of the stations in the Interborough Rapid Transit Company designed by the pair featured beautiful details, though none were as grand as City Hall. City Hall Station was shut down in 1945, but if you stay on the 6 train past the last stop, you can see it from the window of your subway car as the train turns around in the abandoned station. Join us on our upcoming underground tour of the subway to try it for yourself!