10. You Can Take a Foraging Tour of Prospect Park

Wildman Steve Brill

“Wildman” Steve Brill leads foraging tours of New York area parks, including Prospect Park. Technically foraging is illegal in the city parks, and in the 1980s, Brill was arrested by NY Parks Rangers for eating a dandelion. The arrest only served to enliven Brill’s foraging career and he eventually became an official Parks Department naturalist. For many years now, he has run tours independently and with his daughter.

Brill’s tours are part of his mission to promote urban agriculture and sustainable eating. He has published three books on wild eating, consulted for the Parks Department, and advised several New York chefs on sustainable ingredient choices. You can learn more about Brill and his tours in Secret Brooklyn.

Next, check out Top 10 Secrets of Central Park and 5 NYC Parks Bigger Than Central Park

This article was written by Michelle Young and Nicole Saraniero