12. Just Bulbs (237 E 58th St)

It’s THE light bulb store, mostly because it’s Just Bulbs. Since 1980, Just Bulbs has stocked fluorescents, incandescents, and sustainable, energy-efficient light bulbs. One of the best parts of the experience isn’t even the high quality product on the shelves, it’s the service. Just Bulbs is known to employ friendly knowledgeable people with at least 20 years of experience in lighting design and bulb expertise. Do we even need to sell you on the lighting and ambiance? Just Bulbs embodies the principle that there’s no better way to showcase your product than letting it shine!

Next, check out these combination coffee shops in NYC where you can get a coffee with a side of something more surprising.

This article has contributions by Michelle Young, Meridith ViguetSamantha Sokol, Julia Chorun, Nasha Virata, and Nicole Saraniero