4. Teatro SEA

Puppet Show at Puppet Fringe 2023
Photo Credit: George Riverón

Teatro SEA is one of the premiere Bilingual Arts-in-Education Organizations and Latino Children’s Theaters in the country. They combine theatre productions with art workshops, inspiring education and change from New York to Florida to San Juan. The programs offered by the theater reach over 75,000 children and young adults every year thanks to the creative direction of founder Dr. Manual A. Morán.

The theater is also widely known as being an organizer of the International Puppet Fringe Festival. Leading puppet makers and troupes from all across the world come together in New York for the only puppet festival in the state. This summer’s festival celebrated the legacy of puppeteer Ralph Lee, inventor of the Village Halloween Parade. The theme was “Halloween in August” to honor the iconic New York parade. More than 50 enthralling performances were presented, including as well cabarets, panels, open mics, and workshops. The festival proves that puppetry isn’t simply for birthday parties or reserved for neon monsters on the T.V. It can be an intricate craft, and in many countries, deeply rooted in their culture and tradition.

Puppet Parade at Puppet Fringe 2023
Photo Credit: George Riverón

Whether you’re interested in taking your children to a charming neighborhood puppet show or heading out to a mature performance with state-of-the-art puppets, New York surely has a show to broaden your artistic horizons.