10. Most Expensive Dish: 230 Fifth’s Luxury Hot Dog

New York City’s most expensive dish is extremely intriguing (and mildly appalling) for two reasons. First, it’s a mind-boggling $2,300, and second, because it’s a hot dog. Yes, the very same messy food item that New Yorkers can get for roughly $3 at any street corner or enjoy while sitting in plastic folding chairs and yelling between bites during at a baseball game is over $2,000 at Midtown‘s swanky hotel and rooftop bar: 230 Fifth.

230 Fifth’s hot dogs can actually be purchased for as low as $20, but if one wants the luxury dog, they should prepare themselves to leave the noticeably lighter pockets. The luxury dog is special because it contains 60-day dry-aged wagyu sausage, filled with cognac, sprinkled with a mushroom dust, and garnished with lobster and black truffles among a few of the add ons. Luckily, 230 Fifth gives customers some built in mental-preparation time as the luxury dog has to be ordered 48 hours in advance. Oh, and be sure they don’t forget to add the gold leaf…

For more on quirky New York City cocktails check out 10 of Manhattan’s Best Hidden Underground Bars & Lounges or on the cuisine side, the Top 10 Hidden Restaurants in New York City. Get in touch with the author: @Erika_A_Stark.