7. Reid Castle

A scene of the Gilded Age shot at Reid Castle
Photograph by Barbara Nitke/HBO

The Reverend Mr. Forte and Aunt Ada’s friendship grows in this episode. Over bowls of New England clam chowder, they both express their interest in watercolor paintings. Ada says she particularly enjoys the work of German painter Adolph Menzel. Later in the episode, Mr. Forte invites her to see an exhibition of Menzel’s work at the Ross Gallery on West 42nd Street. The scenes in the gallery were shot at Reid Castle on the Manhattanville College campus in Purchase, New York. Reid Castle appears again at the end of Episode 4 where it serves as the home of the Wintertons.

Reid Castle was the home of Elizabeth and Whitelaw Reid. Designed by Stanford White with grounds landscaped by Frederick Law Olmsted, it was completed in 1888. Reid, who served as the U.S. ambassador to France, was inspired by the architecture he saw overseas and took those influences home to build his own fortress.