26. Item #123: Meet Another Gisher Day

Item #123: As all gishers know, Saturday, August 12 is “Meet Another Gisher Day.” Meet up in front of the largest art museum in your town at 10:00 AM (of whatever timezone you’re in.) It’s a pot-luck coleslaw brunch this year so bring your favorite family recipe of coleslaw… and as much sidewalk chalk as you can. After brunch, decorate the pavement with a collaborative message to the world. In order for a meet-up to count you need to have representatives of at least 5 teams present, so this will require some organizing. Gishwhes is all about coming together, so teams may collaborate (gasp!) on this one, but your team’s image or video must still be all your own.

New York City gishers were prepared to knock this item out of the park as they gathered at the Metropolitan Museum of Art on 5th Avenue. Well surpassing the five-team requirement, New York City gishers had a difficult time figuring out the names of all of the teams present at the meetup and took to the Facebook group to identify the 25 plus teams in attendance.