24. Item #137: Elderly Joyride

Item #137: Take an elderly person on a joyride in his or her favorite car (same make and model and vintage) from youth. The elderly person must be at least 70 years old; the car, at least 60 years old… and you and the senior must be dressed in period attire that reflects the era when the car was manufactured.

Kelli is a third-year gisher on team Widdermonsters, formerly known as Widdermacker, the 2015 GISHWHES winners though she wasn’t on the team at that time. This item was easily one of Kelli’s favorite from the hunt because her grandmother was really excited to share her past with Kelli and to pick out ’50s inspired clothing for them to wear. Her grandmother’s need for speed became apparent as they cruised down the highway in the ’55 Belair.